Silver Bridge Coffee Company
Owners(s): Lorraine Walker
Where we call home: South Gallipolis, Ohio
Get to know us: As a hobby, Lorraine and Phil Walker used to roast coffee in a popcorn popper in their kitchen. They shared samples with friends and family near their home in Gallipolis, Ohio. Everyone raved about their "special brew" and many encouraged them to start roasting and selling to the public. In 2008, Silver Bridge Coffee was born and remains a proud Ohio woman-owned and family supported business.
Lorraine is a Level 2 Certified Roaster with the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), and is an active member of the Roasters Guild. Silver Bridge Coffee is a member of the SCAA and Fair Trade USA.
Governor Kasich’s administration appointed Lorraine to Ohio’s Small Business Advisory Council. She is also a member of The National Association of Women Business Owners.
Silver Bridge is the first company in Ohio to offer 100% recyclable Single Serve Kups.
What we do:
Silver Bridge carefully chooses select Arabica Beans. They roast in small batches and produce a line of popular specialty blends including (614) Blendand Buckeye Breakfast Buzz, and cutting-edge flavored coffees that use the most natural flavoring system available.
The door is open: You can contact us by phone, email, web or stop by for a visit.
740-709-1610 | lorraine@silverbridgecoffee.com | http://www.silverbridgecoffee.com | 5508 St Rt 7 South Gallipolis, OH 45631Facebook: Follow Us